Friday 2 December 2011

Gang Gang Dance

When I first heard Gang Gang Dance on the BBC 6 music radio couple of months ago (album of the day or something like that) I thought it was kind of nice and distracting - especially the mesmerizing female voice. I've listened to the album a few times and then it was lost within the inners of my nook. Today, while I was walking towards a tunnel, it slowly started to rain and to play the song attached in the video down below. I don't know if walking through the tunnel (the one where you can't see the end of it) could've supported the experience of a glass jar, but I felt totally right with this song in my ears. You know those moments. I used to have one of those quite often, but it has been some time now. Enjoy!

The rest of the album is not easy to digest (altough, we're getting used to more complicated stuff, which is hyped the same way), it contains three intermezzos, but if you're in the right mood it's helpful to get your mind together at some point.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Florence and The Machine - Ceremonials (2011)

Florence Welsch's second album is a piece of art. It has not the "hits on first hear" compilation format anymore, however, it is now more consistent and straightforwarded to the land of the inner of your head. I totally understand "The Machine" in it now. The music is more minimalistic, repetetive and urgent, it's a steam engine. There's more chorals than on "Lungs" and that is awesome - it makes every song a grower worth discovering. There's strong lyrics ("What The Water Gave Me", "Leave My Body"), Nr. 1 hit single ("Shake It Out"), trendy and Adele-friendly back-to-black-roots music ("Lover To Lover") and chorus you will be singing for yourself all day long ("Spectrum", "No Light, No Light"). Love it!

(Btw. A contest: Watch the attached video and tell me what Killers' song can you recognize in it...)

Sunday 1 November 2009

Bloody Autumn Lives or The Collage Dedicated To A Winter Sleep

music: baddies - do the job, hockey - mind chaos, the kings of convenience - declaration of dependence, editors - in this light and on this evening, the xx, i've heard a lot of samantha fox lately, but it's not my fault, however, my tendencies for last few weeks are to grab all the songs i've got in my music file, put them in one playlist, turn on the random mode and see/listen to what comes up. Then i try to guess, what is being played, it's an encouraging entertainment for a lonely person.

district 9, rockenrolla, pripad pro zacinajiciho kata, klic k urcovani trpasliku, the flight of the conchords show

raymond queneau - le chiendent, boris vian - l'automne en pékin Literature

i've been to the zoo, voluntarily.

wasn't at school most of the time


been to the library, glad to do all the decisions

nothing new around the band, no gigs, too cold for practice

in love, still, and she came, and stayed for some time in the city, where you feel sorry because of people who are unable to realize, that you do have reasons to be sad...

i don't feel like writing lately, but thanks for the cheering kick

this was supposed to be a cloud, clouds are very popular these days...

...eventually, you can't tag your own life.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Welcome To A New Academic Year

First, a prayer:


Stop now, and dream about me:

Then look forward to what future hides...